
Visiting Scholars

Year 2024/2025
Prof Montgomery.jpg

Prof Catherine Montgomery

Catherine Montgomery is Professor of Education and Deputy Executive Dean Global in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health at the University of Durham.


In November 2024, from 18 to 22, Montgomery led several seminars and workshops, including:

  1. Unveiling Crisis in Globalised Higher Education: Artificial Intelligence Insights from Doctoral Research in EThOS (19 November 2024): This session aimed to illuminate new perspectives on the concept of crisis in globalised higher education (HE) by focusing on knowledge generated by doctoral research.

  2. Writing for Publication: Turning Your PhD into a Journal Article (20 November 2024): This workshop guided participants through the complexities of transforming a PhD dissertation into a publishable journal article.

  3. Critical Perspectives on Internationalisation: Exploring the Relationship Between Internationalisation and Decolonial Agendas in Global Higher Education (21 November 2024): This session sought to illuminate new perspectives on the concept of crisis in globalised higher education (HE) by focusing on knowledge generated by doctoral research.

  4. Reflecting on Research with International Students as a Thematic Subfield of Higher Education Research (21 November 2024): This seminar reported on the mapping of the subfield of existing research with international students through a series of systematic literature reviews and reflected on constructionism in research methodologies within broader education studies.

Year 2023/2024

Prof Dominik Antonowicz

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland


Visitation: 4-8 March 2024


On 4-8 March 2024, CHELPS hosted a visit by Prof Dominik Antonowicz from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. Prof Antonowicz, a renowned researcher in university governance, shared his expertise on the evolving landscape of academic boards and councils in Europe. During his visit, CHELPS researchers and students engaged in fruitful discussions, seeking advice and collaborating on research initiatives within the field. The visit also facilitated the exploration of opportunities to enhance collaborations between scholars from Poland and Hong Kong at both the Centre and the University.