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Inevitable Inequalities or Mismanaged Academic Recognition? In Pursuit of Epistemic Justice in Global Higher Education
Anatoly Oleksiyenko, Bruce Macfarlane, Miron Bhowmik, Michelle Cheng, and Yusuf Ikbal Oldac Epistemic and citational injustice has become...
Academic Freedom and Academics as Public Intellectuals
Giulio Marini To fight for academic freedom (AF), and to use AF for engagement in intellectual battles nowadays appears as virtuous as...
Towards the Freedom-Seeking Mission of the Ukrainian University
Serhiy Kvit What do we know about the challenges faced by universities and intellectuals in the country with a long history of...
The Psychic Cost of Free Speech and Academic Freedom
William G. Tierney As with many complex ideas, there is no clear definition of what constitutes academic freedom. The issue has been made...
The Achievement, Limitation and Potential of Chinese Universities in STEM Fields: A Generational Perspective
Shen Wenqin Introduction: Generational Differences and Higher Education In the past four decades, Chinese universities have developed...
PhD Inflation and the Lack of PhDs in Higher Education in Post-Civil War Cambodia
Post-civil war Cambodia (1991-present) has experienced a period of rapid expansion in higher education in the aftermath of the...
In Praise of Quiet Leadership
Introduction In this essay I will take my cue from Liz Jackson’s recent contribution to this journal (Jackson, 2021) and seek to build on...
Humility and Vulnerability, or Leaning in? Personal Reflections on Leadership and Difference in Global Universities
An “Accidental” Leader In higher education and academia, not everyone wants to be a leader. Apart from scholars in fields related to...
Higher Education and Intellectual Leadership: Amplifying Critical Inquiry
Over the past decade, I have encouraged more in-depth discussion of the forces generating asymmetries, anxieties and rancour in global...
Culture and academic tradition in China
Historically, China’s academies (taixue, guizijian, shuyuan) propagated, discussed, and debated Confucian classical texts (Dong, 2004;...
Cross-Cultural Understanding and the Listening Intellect
Ruth Hayhoe Ruth Hayhoe is a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Her professional...
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