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First Annual CHELPS Conference

International Scholars and Leadership in Global Higher Education

June 7, 2025
Call for Abstracts

The interest in international academic faculty has been growing along with the rapid expansion and internationalisation of higher education in developing contexts such as mainland China, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, and parts of the Middle East (e.g. the United Arab Emirates and Qatar). This has led to greater demand for international faculty members and institutions to find ways to succeed in global competition which has been on the rise during the first two decades of the 21st century. Employing competitive international faculty members is perceived as a quick fix but appears to be less than effective in this quest. It is not always clear how international scholarship is defined and measured, and how intellectual leadership can form and manifest itself in cross-cultural environments with multiple aspirations and discourses. In the absence of research and policy discussion regarding these dilemmas, an ‘international academic’ has remained an enigmatic term.


(To be continued)

This conference seeks to bring together scholars, practitioners and policy makers from around the globe to discuss the issues of internationalization, international leadership, international collaboration, and global higher education. Participants will explore innovative strategies in cultivating and supporting ‘international academics’ beyond narrow definitions based on nationality or place of employment, while encouraging participants to think of more powerful theoretical and practical dimensions, and fostering intellectual exchange regarding international leadership and capacity-building in higher education institutions. Participants will engage in critical discussions that address the challenges and opportunities in international mobility, collaborations, and intellectual leadership within a globalised context

Date and Duration: June 7, 2025 (Saturday), 1 day

Avenue: North Point Study Centre of the Education University of Hong Kong


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Important Dates


17/04/2025   Closing date for applications 
01/05/2025   Date for notifying applicants of results 
03/05/2025   Closing date for late birds applications
07/05/2025   Registration
(early birds - 500 HKD for faculty members and 300 HKD for students; and late birds - 700 HKD for faculty members and 400 HKD for students)
01/06/2025   Closing date for registration


(The visas, accommodation, and local or international transportation will be the sole responsibility of the applicants, while CHELPS staff can provide advice and support when and if possible.)


How to Apply



For any inquiries, please contact us through email .